+353 1 554 7207​
CLS Educate provides market-leading training to healthcare professionals
A new way of working...
Accredited training, delivered virtuallly
CLS offer our inhouse established CLS Projects website as our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). The CLS Projects website VLE platform provides a proven and tested VLE solution with over 800 health and social care users throughout Ireland utilising the platform.
In addition, many CLS Educate programmes are supported by CLS Inform Apps. The CLS App platform has been developed by CLS in-house technical team and is available for IoS (Apple), Android and desktop/laptop devices. The technology supports offline access for those who may be struggling with continuous access to WIFI or have restrictions on data usage. There is also a news feed function that allows for continuous engagement with participants even when the programme has ended. The App can be customised to allow for open access or registered login in depending on customer requirements.
CLS experience to date of delivering the training to health and social care professionals has provided them with excellent feedback on the provision of the CLS Projects website and CLS Apps. With the ability for participants to easily reference programme materials for many months (and years) after the programme.
With a key focus on interactivity, CLS Educate utilises the Zoom platform as their virtual classroom environment. They have found the assists greatly in maintaining participant focus and interaction even when not in a face to face environment.
CLS Educate supports users to download Zoom (or an alternative platform) in advance of the training. Full details of how to access will be provided and support provided by telephone/email if required. Participants are also encouraged to test their video and audio in advance of the programme.
A full schedule of the programme Zoom sessions is made available via the VLE and email to participants. Back-up arrangements including Zoom phone numbers and/or Google Meet as a back-up plan for phone conferences in the event of a Zoom failure) are also provided.
CLS Educate Facilitators support an encourage participation and help foster a sense of ‘community’ in the virtual classroom. Participants are encouraged to use their camera and will be allocated breakout groups to allow for case study/group work.
CLS utilise chat, screen annotation, polling and non-verbal feedback feature to facilitate interactive activities, breaking-up the sessions and maintain participant interest.
With the agreement of the training commissioner and participants, CLS Educate can record sessions (not including group discussions) for online review.
In recognition of the busy working lives of participants, all post-programme materials are made available to participants through the programme VLE. A key focus of the training is practical tools and templates and resources, and this has proved to be a robust and effective mechanism to share information post programme.
CLS Educate will engage with participants in advance of the programme via an anonymous Survey Monkey survey to gain an understanding of their job roles and experiences/knowledge of the chosen programme topic.
Programme evaluations both pre and post are also undertaken via Survey Monkey.
Virtual Learning Environment
Virtual Classroom
Post Programme Resources
Participant Engagement and Evaluation
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Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland